Does Cialis Increase Testosterone Levels?

Does Cialis Increase Testosterone Levels?

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Testosterone has an essential role in the body. This hormone takes part in metabolic function, libido, bone health, cognition centers in the brain (1), and so much more. The levels of testosterone decline due to many factors and men try different strategies and drugs to boost them, but does Cialis increase testosterone levels too?

Considering the popularity of this pill for erectile dysfunction, it’s impossible not to wonder whether it can help with this problem. You’ll get the answer in this post.


Why Do Testosterone Levels Decrease?

Studies show that testosterone levels decrease with age. After the year 30, men lose about 0.4-2% of testosterone each year (2). But, age is not the only reason why levels of this important hormone decrease. Other threats to your testosterone levels include:

  • Illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, lung diseases, pituitary gland problems, chronic liver or kidney disease
  • Obesity
  • Physical injury to the testicles
  • Medications such as opioid pain meds and steroids
  • Unhealthy lifestyle

Does Cialis Increase Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone levels can go up and down, but there is a lot you can do to keep them in the normal range. Nowadays, there are a lot of products that promise to boost hormone levels, but many of them fail. The answer to the question “does Cialis increase testosterone levels” is complex and requires more research, but current evidence shows it can.

A study from the journal Andrologia found that subjects who took tadalafil (Cialis) experienced improved testosterone levels compared to baseline values. Scientists concluded that 5mg of tadalafil a day could be beneficial for men with ED and low testosterone, especially when metabolic syndrome accompanies the low-T problem (3).

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How Can Cialis Work With Low Testosterone?

As seen above, Cialis can boost testosterone, but more studies on this subject would help discover mechanisms of action. The potential clue could be the ratio between testosterone and estradiol after the Cialis use. One study found that improvement in sexual function after 12 months of tadalafil administration could be down to changes in testosterone to estradiol ratio. The drug works to reduce levels of estradiol, which leads to higher testosterone concentration (4). As men age, their testosterone levels convert to estradiol faster. Cialis works to address this imbalance and thereby improve sexual function in the long run.

If you’re wondering “does Cialis increases testosterone levels,” you also need to bear in mind that keeping this hormone in balance is crucial for strong erections as low T can contribute to ED (5). To keep testosterone levels in the healthy range, you need to exercise regularly, eat a well-balanced diet, quit smoking, and lower alcohol consumption, but also reduce exposure to endocrine disruptors such as BPA.


The main objective of this post was to determine if Cialis increases testosterone levels. The current evidence confirms the drug can, indeed, support testosterone balance and reduce estradiol levels. It is crucial to carry out more studies that would inspect this subject in greater detail and uncover all mechanisms of action Cialis uses to support testosterone levels.